Mr. Desmarais is a California Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of California Certified Specialist in Probate, Estate Planning, and Trust Law since 1990.

1970, University of California at Davis (A.B., Economics)
1973, Hastings College of Law, University of California (J.D.), Order of the Coif, Thurston Society, Hastings Law Review, American Jurisprudence Estate Planning Award
1973 California Supreme Court, U.S. District Court, Northern and Eastern Districts of California, and US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
1975, US Claims Court
1984, US Tax Court.
Certified Specialist - Probate, Estate Planning and Trust Law - The California Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of California.
Past President and Trustee, Silicon Valley Bar Association
Past Comissioner, State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Advisory Commission
Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
Executive Committee, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law Section of the State Bar of California
Past Chairman, Litigation Subcommittee of the Executive Committee, Trust and Probate Law Section of the State Bar of California
Executive Committee, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law Section of the Santa Clara County Bar of Association
State Bar of California
American Bar Association
Past President, St. Thomas More Society
Advocate, Child Advocates of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties
Board of Directors, Eastfield Ming Quong